School Playground

The School playground is one of the most important places in our young students’ lives. From the time that children start preschool, all the way through the end of elementary school, the playground is the main place where they spend breaks and recess.

Physical Activity Helps In:-

  1. Improves attention, decreases stress and anxiety, and prepares students to learn. It also improves motivation—helping kids try things they might not normally be inclined to try.
  2. Primes the brain cells to change when new information is introduced.
  3. Promotes the growth of new brain cells so the brain can absorb and retain new information.

Physical movement stimulates brain activity by improving blood flow to the brain. For an active child, this brings water, oxygen and glucose to the brain at a higher rate than it does to the brain of the sedentary child. When a brain receives the necessary nutrients, the child has a better ability to learn, respond and retain information.